
Friday, December 7, 2012

An Americans Guide to Handling Snow: Dec 7th

It seriously just snowed like 1 inch and everyone is in a panic. In France they don't really get much snow except in the north or mountains, so they don't clear roads or sidewalks, don't put down salt, everyone drives like 3 miles per hour, but then they hit the gas too hard when they first start and spin out.  My advice to the French for how to handle snow...DON'T PANIC

Top Tips for Handling Snow, No Matter How Little
  1. Anticipate: If it looks like there could be snow start preparing.  residence should put some salt down on the side walk in front of their houses.  this is especially needed for people who live in the city so the city doesn't have to spend as much time in residential area and can focus on public places like shopping areas and squares.  I'm sure everyone in France could buy 1 lb of salt and have it last for a few years. 
  2. After The Fall: Once again, residence should clear whatever snow wasn't taken care of by the salt with a simple shovel, or in some cases a sturdy broom would do I'm sure.  And once again this leaves more ti,e for the city to focus on shoveling roads. 
  3. ACTUALLY SHOVEL THE ROAD.  Even if it snows only 1 inch, that's all it takes to have small fender benders which causes traffic problems, which makes people even more cautious, and then we have a vicious cycle.  Many say that its a waste of money to have all the stuff to take care of snow just once or twice a year.  But I say if it keeps even just a few dozen people from falling and hurting themselves or having car accidents, it's well worth it.  I can not even begin to guess how much money Orleans spends on this like putting out flowers in the parks and public areas.  Yes it is very pretty to have nice looking parks, but I think I would rather them spend a little less on pretty stuff and invest in some snow safety measures. 
  4. Drive with caution, but not too much.  I literally saw someone moving about 3 miles an hour when there was tons of space in front of them.  Yet when they come to a stop they stopped too quick and would slid or when they start back up they hit the gas really hard and spin out.  Easy does it people.  Don't be in a hurry, but don't keep 20 feet between you and the next car. 
  5. Above all... Don't Panic!  I promise a few inches of snow is not going to end the world.  Just be safe, but down salt, shovel side walks, and don't panic while driving.  You know it should snow at least once a year so you might as well get use to it. 
Just think, in places like Canada it's probably already snowed like 3 feet.  Stop being a bunch of pansies already.  If your French brother and sisters in Quebec can handle it all the time, you can handle it once or twice a year. 

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